Popcorn and Wreath Fundraiser

Popcorn and Wreath Sales

The popcorn and wreath sales are the perfect opportunity to teach the valuable life lesson of hard work and earning their own way. Our sales help fund the most exciting Scout year ever. More than 70% of the popcorn sale supports your programs and local Scouting!

Door-to-door sales are considered one of the most important fundraiser type in any scouting organization, and that’s the same case here in Troop 209. The yearly autumn event sees the Scouts work hard on selling popcorn and wreaths, door-to-door, and at certain locations. It improves scouts’ confidence, persuasive ability, and public speech. It also helps the Troop fund camping trips, troop meetings, and scouting events.

The fundraising is not just about selling popcorn and wreaths…it’s also about promoting Scouting!